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Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Pin It The sweetest thing happened today. We went to the park and my son saw his best friend. My son is 2. It's awesome to think about my 2 year old even having a best friend! These two boys saw each other and RAN to greet one another. It was so sweet! What an enormous blessing! My daughter stayed at church all afternoon to play with her friend. My other daughter had a phone call from her friend. AND, I got to visit with my friends today too.

Several years ago, before we moved here, I prayed and prayed and literally BEGGED God to give me a friend. My husband was so sweet, but I desperately needed some friends. He probably prayed as much for me to find a friend as I did. We moved here, and almost instantly friends appeared in my life. God not only answered my prayers, He answered them abundantly! I'm so blessed.

I love my friends. I love my kids' friends. Thank you Lord for friends!

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