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Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Monday!

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Time for a little not me!

I did not spend the first day of Spring Break watching my children cram one hour of math into four. Oh yeah, I'm also not making my children do school work during Spring Break. We all need a break, right? It would just be wrong to make those precious little darlings do work during their break, right? For the record, I DID tell them we'd be taking it easy this week. Completely not my fault that they both had an attack of the whimper and whines today and decided it would be better to whine about their work and drag it out over just sitting down and getting it over with. Glad this all didn't happen here this morning!

My house is not desperately in need of spring cleaning while I sit here and type away. I've not been sitting here trying to come up with incentives to get my children to do the work for me. I'm not that lazy! Nope, not me.

I'm not really enjoying the silence right now while my sweet son takes a nap. I've not observed that boys are ... how shall I put this nicely? ... TONS LOUDER than girls. This child who, as a baby, had a very quiet little cry cannot currently BREAK GLASS with his screeches and screams. I do not continually marvel at the vast differences between this boy and his sisters. (Speaking of which - neither of the girls could scream loudly enough to make me want to cry, and yet, he can. He screams like a girl better than either of my girls can.)

Okay, since I DON'T have a ton of laundry to do and some plants to plant (that I'm sure my dog will NOT dig right back up!) I should probably close this now. :)

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