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Monday, December 27, 2010

1000 Gifts - 61-70

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The challenge is to list One Thousand Gifts, or one thousand things for which we are thankful.  In a crazy busy world, or when your natural bent is to lean towards complaining rather than being thankful, it's an enormous blessing to just take a few minutes and think about the true gifts we have been given. 

61.  The blessing of cousins ... although one is missing.
62.  And silly girl cousins.

63.  Who know how to make us laugh.

64.  For my sister and her kids. (and my nephew, for whom the words "it's 40 degrees outside!" - which is freezing when you live in TX! - apparently mean nothing.)

65.  For my mom and sister.

66.  And for my dad and the picture I would put right here if I didn't think my mom would kill me.

67.  That my favorite gift to give this year was very happily received.

68.  For the blessing and assurance that marriage really can be strengthened by adversity, as modeled by my parents.

69.  For three little nephews whose lives have drastically changed over the last twelve months and are doing well.

70.  And for my own husband and children, and for our wonderful Christmas together.  There are no pics of us yet because I've been lazy and have barely even looked through them, much less edited and gotten them ready to share.  We had a fabulous Christmas here on Christmas Eve though, and then went to my parents' house on Christmas day and had a fabulous time there too.

I am linking up with today.  Won't you consider joining in and starting your own list? 

1 comment:

Mel's Dad said...

Thanks Melanie. Nice post. Your family's visit was indeed a blessing and the casseroles are much appreciated. We love you and your family. Dad