This past week was such a weird week that I didn't keep my list as it went by. I'm winging it, writing it up today!
121. Today, on Valentine's Day, my daughter did a lesson in spelling that revolved around Valentine's Day. I expect that anyone who has homeschooled for a while will appreciate that. If you haven't homeschooled, well, typically the lessons we're doing right now revolve around Christmas. Amazing to be on schedule, for the first time ever.
122. The gorgeous blue jay right outside my window. Of course, he's out there eating the dog's food, but it's really nice to look out there and see a gorgeous bird.
123. 70 degrees. Blue sky. Fluffy clouds. Sunny. Perfection.
124. The excitement my kids have knowing that their Grammy is coming to visit this week.
125. That they are expressing that excitement by cleaning their rooms. Woot!
126. The encouragement of knowing that the various struggles I have are common to man (or woman as the case may be) and the reassurance that valleys don't last forever.
127. For broccoli cheese soup. Yum.
128. For Candinas chocolates.
129. For Valentine crafts.
130. And for chocolate covered strawberries, and sweet friends to help make them.
What gifts have you received this week? I'm linking up with A Holy Experience today, so click on over and read some more lists. :)
Happy Valentine's Day! And I'm glad schooling is on schedule - with my luck, I'd be on Halloween about now. ;)
AMEN to the Blue skies and 70 degrees. (why doesn't the keyboard have a degree symbol?!)
And YEAH! to actually doing Valentines in school! :)
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I know it’s Friday and Ann’s “Multitude Monday” was ages ago – but there are so many lists to get through. I’m really glad I made down to yours.
And my fave?? ~ 127. For broccoli cheese soup. Yum.(because I HATE broccoli – hate it like the plague – but this reminds me how Our Lord made us all different. How we are all so unique. He’s good that way. :)
Thank you for this.
God Bless and Keep You and yours
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