In the meantime, I have some praises and gifts for which to be thankful!

151. Having a nice break from real life and being able to go meet and hang out with sweet friends.
152. Coming home from that break to a family that missed me and being able to put my hands on my sweet family again. The break was SO nice, but coming home was equally nice!
153. Small towns and their festivals. This past week was our festival and the kids all had so much fun. The weather was perfect most of the week too, added bonus!
154. That my friends I met last weekend - I've known them for years online, but had only met one in real life before - were exactly who I thought they would be.
155. For laughter and how much funnier things are at 1 am than they are at 8 pm. For just being able to relax with friends and giggle.
156. For grace applied exactly where it has been needed. I have needed it in lots of areas recently and have just been reminded again and again that His grace is sufficient for me.
157. For Words With Friends, my latest distraction.
158. For learning that my youngest two, who fight like cats and dogs, really love and enjoy each other. They hung out together most of the time at the carnival and really were sweet to each other.
159. For a day to sleep late and stay in jammies and eat leftovers and be lazy. I think we all need that from time to time.
160. For the assurance that even when the world is in turmoil, God is still there.
I will be linking up with A Holy Experience today. Hop on over to read more thankful lists!
I am so sorry I missed you guys! I am glad that you all had so much fun! :)
Next year, Meri! :D
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