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Monday, August 29, 2011

Gratitude Journal - 291 - 300

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Wow ... up to 300 on the list!

291. For a good first week back to school. And for me not flipping out too much when I realized that changes needed to be made. Okay, to be honest, there WAS a little stress (um, have you met me?) but there was not outright panic. I'm calling that a success.

292. For this week of birthdays at my house. The little one turned six (yesterday) and the oldest turns 13 (next Sunday). My children are such blessings!

293. For watching the middle and little ones play together so sweetly for several hours. These two aren't the closest of my kids, so it's an extra special blessing to see them playing together so nicely.

294. For an awesome haircut and color. Sometimes it's the little things that can be such a boost!

295. For watching the confidence of one of my kids just blossom. I have a couple who have my personality and tend to be a little shy, so it's great watching them come out of their shell a little.

296. For the completion of the construction in the house. Both bedrooms look so nice! They're both pretty bare bones right now, but pictures will be coming soon, I promise.

297. For a very nice, but too short, visit with my parents this weekend, and enjoying the three "T" boys as well.

298. For birthday cake.

299. That the birthday cake is nearly gone.

300. For a big six year old who knows he is not too big to snuggle his mama. :-}

I will be linking up with today.  Feel free to hop on over and read other gratitude journals, or start your own!


Heather Mattern said...

Oh how #293 is a biggie for me on a regular basis. Thankful for that peace!

Theresa Miller said...

I love it when siblings play together sweetly for extended time. It is so beautiful to see that fruit!

Deborah said...

Enjoy your family birthdays and I especially love # 295. Nothing sweeter than when confidences beaks through a shy little one.
Thanks for sharing.