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Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday

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Good morning friends!

I did not wake up with some kind of tummy issue going on today. Because of this, I'm not seriously considering delaying the start of school ... again. And for the record, this is not the 47th delay. Actually I was thinking of starting off slowly anyway, so a day of math and spelling might be just the ticket.

I did not get a little over-zealous in the filling of the freezer for convenient meals while hubby is away. Nope, not me. I did not stuff the freezer so full that I have no idea what's even in there, and I have not found that it's too much trouble to dig through it. I am not looking at the stuffed freezer with a fair amount of nerves considering that it's hurricane season. It really is not me who has had to clean out a disgusting fridge/freezer after power losses the past few years. It really is not me who has no one else to pass this yucky task off on this year, should it happen again. For that reason, we're eating from the freezer this week. Sliced ham and fajita veggies ... it's what's for lunch. Yum. (As a side note, I'm REALLY wishing I had labeled food a little better. Gives a whole new meaning to mystery meat!)

I do not, again, have a mountain of laundry to deal with today. :-/ With that said, I need to close this post and get going on it. SIGH.

What have you not done today?

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