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Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Pin It So, it's New Year's Eve ... and I've got nuthin'.  I keep feeling like I should post some resolutions ... or let's call them what they really are:  promises I don't intend to keep.  Just keeping it real.  Of course, as always, I want to be healthier, save more, spend more time in the Word, be kinder, be less lazy ... you know the drill.  All things that will go really well for a day or two, some may even last for a month.  I'm so thankful that the Lord's mercies are new every morning, and I don't have to do a total life makeover in a day, and once I mess up, I'm "off the hook" for 357 days until next New Year's rolls around.

There were some definite successes and failures for 2010.  To be honest, I'm pretty happy about closing the door on 2010, and well, I'll just leave it at that.

We've started some habits this year that I definitely want to continue:
- I'm really enjoying the way our school schedule is working out this year.  Planning for a month in pencil and then week by week in pen works for me and seems to be working for the kids as well.
- We are really making an effort to be more frugal (and healthy!) with our eating.  I am making a concerted effort to use leftovers - seriously - just ask the kids how many times we've had turkey this week!
- We are doing so much better in the "keeping the house neat" category.  I have slacked off a little over the last few months and need to pick that up again, but for the most part, we really are doing better there.  I'd love to go to bed every night with the house picked up.  I've told the family that I start out much better waking up to a clean house, and when mama starts off happy, it goes better for everyone.  ;)
- I've just finished a pretty in-depth Bible study and really enjoyed getting into that habit again.  I'm looking forward to starting a new one soon. 

I think rather than focus this year on all of the things I want to change, I'd rather be thankful for the positive changes that were made in 2010.  There will be more to come, and some definite changes that need to be made, but rather than a list of do's and don't's for 2011, I think I'd rather start from where I am and see where the Lord leads me. 


1 comment:

meltedlikewaxps97_5 said...

Excellent perspective! Looking back and being thankful for the positive changes instead of being defeated by the mountain that lies ahead with changes to come. I like that. I think I'll do the same.