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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Inconsistent Blogging!

Pin It Wow, am I ever rocking the inconsistency lately!  I feel like I am behind on everything except school, which is taking up most of my time.  I am going to do a weekly wrap-up post today.  (I am.  I am.  I really really am.)  I think we had a couple of birthdays I neglected to post about, and some other fun things we have done lately.  I am planning to do these in separate posts, so I may end up posting a bunch today.  Or not.  Because I seem to be all about inconsistency regarding the blog lately. 

In the meantime, a couple of really sweet pics of my oldest and my niece.  These two girls are a year and three days apart.  From the time I heard about my niece being on the way, I pictured giggling and sleepovers.  Since we don't live in the same city, that hasn't happened as much as I pictured.  Well, at least the sleepovers haven't happened as much as I thought.  The giggling has. 

You can totally see the family resemblance, right?  haha ;)

And one more:

This one was from the camp they went to this summer.

Okay, working on a weekly wrap-up post now.  Or maybe I should call it a monthly wrap-up at this point.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SO with you on the inconsistency! We moved this summer and I spent all my energy pulling us together to have a great start to the school year. That happened, good blogging has not, lol. I need more hours in the day!