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Friday, October 23, 2009

Things That Make You Wonder ...

Pin It 1. Doing laundry and finding 17 pairs of undergarments for one child and two pairs for another child.

2. I stopped exercising this evening because The Biggest Loser came on and I wanted to watch.

3. I can devote an entire day to laundry and get every little piece of clothing done. When I go to bed that night, the laundry basket will be full again.

4. Same as #3 except with dishes.

5. The fact that I have no problem leaving the house to take Brendan to Mother's Day Out immediately after exercising (and being all grungy) but if I don't exercise, I feel that I must shower before going.

6. The compulsion that my two youngest children have to bring acorns inside the house. Any idea how badly it hurts to step on an acorn?

7. I realized that in the last month, we have had three cases of flu, two cases of strep, one bronchitis, and two stomach viruses. Four of these required doctor visits!

8. It's easier to just buy a song from Rhapsody, iTunes, or Amazon than it is to go find the CD that it's on.

9. My son got mad at me today and called me a "noodle." This was said in a loud, screechy, angry voice.

10. In planning a family vacation, I asked my friend which room choice would give us the least "family togetherness."

These are the random thoughts that are rolling around my head over the last week. Aren't you glad I shared them with you?


Becca said...

I have wondered about many of those very things! Praise the Lord it isn't about all the sickies. I hope you all stay well now! The laundry multiplies faster than anything I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I am seriously LOL! #1, 9, and 10 are too funny! Love you girl!

MamaJ said...

Totally laughed out loud! #s 2, 9, 10 were my favs. Btw, I practiced saying "noodle" in a screechy voice to see if it worked as an insult...probably doesn't have the same effect if you're not a 3 y.o.

Becky said...

And here it is again: Melanie is having a rip-your-hair-out-of-your-head day and her way of coping is to bring laughter to the rest of us. I love that about you. You do such a great job of finding the fun/absurd instead of focusing on the stressful/aggravating. Taking notes...
(um, and in answer to your question: Yes, I know *exactly* how badly it hurts to step on an acorn. Repeatedly. Even though you swear you've thrown it away already. Repeatedly. Apparently I'm raising squirrels...)

Jennifer Taylor said...

These are funny. I don't mind washing and drying the clothes, but I hate folding them, unless they are very warm from the dryer.

Meri said...

I could totally just c&p your list and put it on my blog! lol Except I would have to rename "acorns" to "corn nuts" just so I could rotfl thinking of how my sweet 5 year old says acorn...

Joyce said...

These were all good : ) Thanks for the laugh today!