Woot~!! Up to 150 gifts on my thankful list!
141. For the enthusiasm with which my middle child greets life. Always.
142. For a fabulous weekend date with said middle child. We went to Katy, did some shopping at the Katy Mills Mall, ate some yummy food and just had a fabulous time.
143. For saunas. I did not want to get out.
144. For hotel exercise rooms, which revealed to me that an elliptical requires a touch more coordination than I actually have.
145. Again for the middle child, who became my conscience for the weekend. We trekked up the stairs to our fourth floor room just about every time, the aforementioned exercise room - y'all KNOW that idea did not come from me! - and I suppose I am thankful that she convinced me that I didn't need a Coach bag.
146. For Pappasitos. Oh my. Best Mexican food ever.
147. For needing to shop for myself. ;) (catch that word - NEEDING. LOVE that.)
148. For comfortable shoes. Very important because we walked the entire perimeter of that mall three times.
149. For being missed by the rest of my family, and sweet hugs especially from the little one after we came home.
150. For my "Living Beyond Yourself" Bible study which is really speaking to me right now in several ways. Last night it even gave me the exact words to speak a thought that I couldn't articulate. I love how the Lord uses studies like that to meet me exactly where I am and to speak to the various situations I have going on in my life.